Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Great-Grandpa's Birthday...

March 14th is my Grandpa John's birthday, he turned 86 in 2011.  We had a fun evening visiting with him, and laughing in the front room of his house.  The weather was nice so the boys went out and played in their HUGE backyard.  Going to his house is and always has been so peaceful and nice.  Their house is actually built from cinder blocks - which makes it one of the quietest houses I have ever been in. 
Not this night though!  We were there with Dad, Mom, Courtney, Matt and their kids.  Along with my Uncle Morris and Aunt Paula.  Needless to say, we were NOT quiet at all, lots of laughs!!

My Grandpa is one of the greatest men I have ever known - and I get to be related to him.  One of the things that sticks out most about him is his sense of humor.  Grandpa is the "KING of One Liners".  Here a just  a few:
       * "Come in if your nose is clean"
       * "About an hour, hour and a half, two hours"
* "I said to myself, Self..."
* In response to offering of food
         "No thank you - just had my pants pressed"
         "My sufficiency has been suffancified."
* In response to "How are you?"
         "Any better I would have to be twins/triplets"
         "I don't know, how am I?"
         "Not too bad for a curly headed guy"
         "Just Lovely"
* "All of us 'Johns' sure were glad when they brought us inside!"
I love my Grandpa and am so blessed and grateful for him in my life, and the life of my family!!
Love you - Johnny Hazeldecker!!

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